Personal Mastery

Making Resolutions

Do you keep your New Year’s resolutions? Probably not. A 1972 study that looked at whether people succeeded with their New Year’s resolutions or not  found that 25 percent of participants had abandoned their resolutions after 15 weeks. In a similar 1989 study, that number had gone down to only one week! The underlying issue […]

Personal Mastery

Green with Envy

Do you feel bad when someone you know becomes successful? If so, you’re not alone. This kind of envy is common. A 2013 study by psychologist Mina Cikara found that people not only resent other people’s success, they also take particular pleasure if a person suffering bad luck is a particularly successful person. Participants in […]

Personal Mastery

Embracing Change

Mathis’s success is testament to another characteristic of mentally strong people: embracing change in your life. So how can you adopt the right attitude toward change? The first step is to ask yourself which change you’d like to make in your life, thinking very carefully about how this change would make you feel. Pay special […]

Personal Mastery


(1) The people with whom you choose to spend your time will ultimately influence the kind of person you become. If you’re around people who push you to be better, you’ll improve. Of course, the opposite dynamic is true: people may try to bring you down to their level. The Roman playwright and philosopher Seneca, […]

Personal Mastery


The combination of long-term thinking and immediate actions will make future goals possible. When it comes to planning in life, there are two perspectives you can take: You can adopt short-term thinking and concentrate on maximizing pleasure in the here and now, or you can think and plan long-term. Long-term thinking centers on being a […]

Personal Mastery


With tonglen breathing, you breathe in the undesirable – pain and suffering – and breathe out the desirable – strength and happiness. If it sounds strange, it’s probably due to the Western idea of only letting in good things and rejecting anything unpleasant. But this is an important part of Buddhist meditation, and by practicing it, you […]