Personal Mastery
Best Version of Yourself – by Rob Dial
“I’m not a very religious person, but I like to think that when we get to the end of our lives, we will meet that person we could have been had we lived up to our full potential. So, when I come face-to-face with God or whoever might be judging me, I want to have […]
Complain, Compare, Criticise
When you feel like complaining, comparing or criticising. Think and write down 10 good qualities the bad buddha has. Everyone, including yourself, is more good than bad. But is this a philosophy or is it the truth that everyone is more good than bad? Sentient beings covered by dust! What’s below the dust is all […]
Bad Habit Killer
It is our nature to strive for the positive, while seeking to Avoid the Negative emotions (think Stress, Denial, Fear of Missing Out). It’s the reason why it’s easier to give in to that ice cream sundae (Momentary positive), even though it’s not in line with your big picture (but that’s the Future You’s problem). […]
Impulse and Spiritual Strength
To have an impulse and to resist it … to let it pass by like a bad smell – this is how we develop spiritual strength.
Best Self and Anti Self
“You’re unique.” It’s a line you’ve probably heard a million times, but have you ever let it sink in? Nobody on Earth will know what it’s like to walk in your shoes. Every thought, experience and feeling you have is yours alone; there’s never been, and will never be, another you! Chances are, however, that […]
Like Watching TV
The mind continually recycles thoughts. You can just sit back and watch.
Bad Buddhas 101
Everyone is to be respected. But respect does not mean praiseworthy. We are cool about bad behaviour but it doesn’t mean we condone and agree. Equanimity. All are equal in Buddha’s eyes. But behaviours and deeds do differentiate in levels. This is related to the amount of dirt and dust covering sentient beings. Our cultivation […]
System I versus System II
There is a compelling drama going on in our minds, a filmlike plot between two main characters with twists, dramas and tensions. These two characters are the impulsive, automatic, intuitive System 1, and the thoughtful, deliberate, calculating System 2. As they play off against each other, their interactions determine how we think, make judgments and decisions, and act. System […]