We can all help. Jay Shetty encourages each and every person to practice his 7 Habits of Happiness that promote mental health and wellbeing. These habits are essential for creating healthier people and more positive members of society. Sleep. Most people take sleep for granted, but it is vital. Studies show that 35% of adults don’t get the […]
Month: November 2019
Jay Shetty – Staying Calm at Work
Live in the circle of influence and not the circle of concern Think ahead and expect change Your network is your net-worth (Open up your options) Keep learning and make yourself valuable Focus Free method. Overcome distractions of every 7 minutes. 60 – 90 minutes burst, then 10 – 15 minutes free. Attitude and perception […]
Listen and Understand
Seek to understand rather than to be understood. Seek to listen rather than to be heard.